Weekend fun

London sightseers treated to the lesser Stupid W@nker

Want the same chance to spot chariots? Here is the route of the 98 London Bus from Willesden Green To Selfridges and Oxford St

On the 98 bus heading into Central london, assorted commuters, sightseers were treated to an entitled Charioteer commanding the road.

"Oh look, there is the famous Stupid W*nker!" one excited Ukrainian exclaimed. An Arabic gentleman chimed in approvingly "Props to him though for obeying the rules of the box junction"

We will visit many such examples, including those charging their EVs (Electric Vehicles) in exciting, innovative ways.

Meanwhile, here is the RAC those pesky box junctions:
If you drive in the capital, be particularly careful around box junctions. Transport for London (TfL) and London’s councils manage the road networks but have come under fire from some motorists who claim they’re using box junctions as cash cows. Vehicle owners can be fined for entering box junctions even if they weren't driving the car at the time. Thanks to a ‘loophole’ in legislation passed in 2003, TfL is chasing the owners of vehicles – not the drivers – to cough up for traffic offences. So even if someone else was driving your car at the time of the violation, you’re liable for the £130 charge as you’re the registered owner. And because yellow box infringements are classed as civil rather than criminal offences, you have no right to defend yourself in court.