Journos pushing Threads...

Filed under #NFC (noone fucking cares)
Journalists continue to flog social media when it's clear social media is dying a slow death, or in some cases a faster death. Here is Zoe Kleinman, 'technology editor' for the BBC shilling for the latest Great Bugman Hope 'Twitter alternative' - Facebook/Meta's Threads ....

'It was the middle of the night in the UK when my phone buzzed to let me know that Meta Threads, the new social network app I'd pre-ordered on the App Store, had been installed.'

Sad fuck has her phone on in the middle of the night and buzzing at her. Either that, or this is just usual 'journalistic license' to bullshit...

Given the timing, I wasn't expecting much to be going on from a UK location. I already have an Instagram account so within three clicks I had a profile, and I selected to follow everybody I already follow on the photo-sharing app. I bet you did, I bet you did.

'Suddenly it was like I'd walked through the door to a great big house party. Loads of people were signing up, writing their first posts, responding to others and commenting on the new surroundings.' The usual vacuous crap in other words.

'I had dozens of followers in the first five minutes, and nearly 500 as I write this. (I've still got fewer than 300 on another Twitter alternative, the Jack Dorsey-founded text-based network, BlueSky, which I've been on for weeks.)' That's because you have an Instagram account so of course the followers there followed you onto yet another social media app. You're a BBC journo and female so you have dozens of followers... 🙄

'If you're familiar with Twitter, you'll recognise the design of Threads instantly. Everything from the heart-shaped symbol to "like" a post, to the circle of arrows denoting the feature to repost, is the same.'
This is pretty much universal across ALL social media Zoe, including the Fediverse, do you not know that? Or is this just filler...?

Onto the other BBC 'tech journalist' James somebody

'Mark Zuckerberg claims millions of people have signed up in the first few hours. You should always be sceptical when a tech boss says how many users have signed up to a platform. But it does feel like a lot of people are already on it.'
Another idiot who lives in the journo bubble; it 'feels' like a lot of people are on it because no doubt you have put BBC Journo in your profile and attracted the usual media whores and simps.
I, on the other hand, do not know anyone using this. My friends abandoned Facebook yonks ago ; the few remaining on it to flog or buy stuff on FB Marketplace or join for specialty groups on obscure medical conditions. Nobody has mentioned Threads. Few are going to get excited about yet another Zuckerberg Meta product...

Neither of these 'journalists' mentioned privacy or security issues o the baggage that comes with Facebook/Meta products. Or addressed whether it's maybe not a good idea to have one a huge corporation moving in to control yet another more social media. #journalists #media #NFC #Twitter #social media #Threads #Instagram