Rant blog

Smartsize your expectations...

Whatever happened to those Day In The Life In Tech videos?

You know the ones, showing lots of downtime, very little actual work

Well, that was the sad story of a pronouns unknown with an expectation of earning $300,000 as an 'engineer' "by now" (a few short years and a couple of firings out of college). Leaving aside the irritating 'airhead' accent and entitled attitude, something about this video doing the rounds didn't quite add up. So I asked some actual engineers and people working in 'tech' their opinion...

Yeah, they claim they are an engineer but by that they of course mean software engineering, which in this case means fake email job and occasionally writing some superfluous backend code or some such, people like that could be entirely eliminated without much of a problem, which is why they were. People in actual tech/STEM jobs basically will always make consistently good money because their skills are pretty much always needed by someone. It also doesn't help them that they went for dipship name recognition instead of "stable job that pays well"
And another points out the unrealistic expectations on show:
300k TC?! 🤣🤣🤣 Maybe if you got hired right in the idiot 2020 Amazon boom where they over-hired at insane rates. I've been a senior devops admin on teams managing 6+ subsidiaries, insane terraform scripts and nearly a dozen K8S clusters and topped out less than half of that.
Marketing positions are the easiest to cut. They're bitching about not getting into tech, but they haven't had a single actual tech position.
Here was your typical Day In The Life in Tech video referenced. Unsurprisingly, people were not impressed. Twitter 'day in a life' video indicates lots of downtime, very little actual work.

Having said they studied engineering at college, it seemed odd that they ended up in 'Marketing' at Twitter. Regarding that another commented:
One of the few useful things Elon did was fire 80% of Twitter and make the masses of useless eaters seethe when it still ran just fine. He yanked that curtain down out of spite after being forced to go through with the purchase and it single-handedly opened the floodgates of email-sender layoffs in tech.
Yeah, he showed how bloated most of those companies are...something highlighted in Bullshit Jobs.