Smartsizing smart time

How To Waste Time - without even trying!

Yesterday I had a project to do at home. It was one of those vital make-or-break days. So of course the leaseholder chose that day to send along some cowboy painters to paint the exterior of the building and the communal hall. First of all the leaseholders agent tured up. I had already disabled my CCTV triggers a notification on my phone as it kept buzzing as various people turned up to alert us and warn us presumably that they would be appearing on the scaffolding. They also needed to gain entry to the flat downstairs and to the hallway. It turns out ehy didn;t have a key and neither did theagent. This should not have been more than a mild annoyance but because they were cowboys it turned out to occupy a lot of my time as I witnessed then taking my stepladder kept next to my front door in the hall, piss in my outside plantpots and various other cowboy builerder atrocitis. The hall carpet was supposed to be covered to prevent it getting paint on but instead it was taken up and dumped outside where it got wet as we had a few downpours that day...bold and italic text.

What counts as wasted hours?

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